Margaritaville Resort Casino
Military Community Champion
Margaritaville Resort Casino has earned Military Community Champion status by:
- Offer a 15% discount for restaurants, retail items, and services at the Spa & Salon
- Periodically host block parties for the 93d Bomb Squadron
- Attend Quarterly and Annual Award Ceremonies for the 307th BS and treat the award recipients to a dinner for 2 at one of our restaurants
- Attend Change of Command Ceremonies
- Active in the Honorary Commander program with Barksdale Air Force Base since 2016
- Participate and donate to the Annual Military Christmas Cookie Drive
- Give in kind donations to multiple BAFB squadron events
- Host job fairs at BAFB
- Enrolled in Army Pays program
- Featured in the MyBaseGuide Mobile App
- Hosted the American Veteran's Travelling Tribute Memorial Wall in 2018 that received the PRIDE Award for Outstanding Event of the Year - Onetime Event
Army PaYS program:
- The Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) Program is a strategic partnership between the U.S. Army and a cross section of corporations, companies, and public sector agencies. The Program provides America's youth with an opportunity to serve their country while they prepare for their future. PaYS Partners guarantee Soldiers an interview and possible employment after the Army. This unique Program is part of the Army's effort to partner with America's business community and reconnect America with its Army.
- The PaYS Program began in 2000 as an enlistment incentive for Regular Army enlisted Soldiers. In October 2002, the Program expanded to include Army Reserve Soldiers. The Program later expanded to include Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Reserve Component Cadets, ROTC Cadets who incur an active duty commitment, Officer Candidate School (OCS), Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT) and the Army National Guard (ARNG).
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